4.5in x 6in | Linocut print/ink on paper
Begin represents how God knows, loves, and sees us in our hidden seasons and humble beginnings; He is the Creator of butterflies and metamorphosis, and in all our waiting in the dark where we can’t see how good could come out of this, we can trust He is transforming us into a new creation. He will be with us as we begin right here, no matter how small or humble these beginnings seem. His timing is perfect, and all our days are in His hands.
I was inspired to create "Begin" from of my experience of new beginnings and metamorphosis. From ages 13 to 20, I faced a long season of declining health, worsening chronic pain, and watching a lot of my hopes and dreams for my future seem to dissolve and die. At the end of 2020, we got me a hospital bed so I could sit up and look out the window again, and I saw flowers blooming and butterflies fly by for the first time I could remember. There was beauty all around that I had missed for many seasons, and my heart began to wake up to the joy and life blooming all around me.
By the grace of God, I began to take short walks outside again, and as I watched monarch butterflies fly by, it felt like a kiss from God when they flew close enough that I could hear their wings. I created "Begin" for one of my final college projects to remember my past and the hope for my future as I step into the uncertainty of this new beginning of life after graduation. So here I will begin again, and let God finish what He started. He sees us in our hidden places, delights in us in the humble beginnings, and will redeem every part of our messy, beautiful stories as we trust Him to finish what He began.