5in x 7in | Linocut print/ink on paper
Wait and See is a reminder that the best is yet to come and we can trust God in the mystery and uncertainty through every season– especially when life is heavy or hard. For all the pain, uncertainty, and unknowns we are invited by faith to Wait and See. So, I invite you to Wait and See because I believe no matter how hopeless it all may seem, there is more to our stories than we can see and the best is yet to come.
Last Summer, I was having a hard day, one of those where my heart was heavy and I was growing weary from living with chronic pain, when I looked up from washing dishes at the kitchen sink to see seven parakeets happily taking turns eating from our bird feeder. All summer, we had put out birdseed trying to attract the parakeets to our yard but they would always fly by and stop in our neighbor’s yard instead. When I looked up in delighted surprise, it was like a hug from God. In the midst of my pain, He met me with this simple surprise that He knew would mean the world to me; He cared deeply enough to hear my prayer for something so small. Wait and See reminds me that God is doing more than I can see or understand. He brought a small flock of parakeets just to show me He truly does see me, hear me, and delight in me; what a kind, patient, and tender Love. In the midst of all that is heavy and hard, He’s worth us taking the time to Wait and See.