8in x 10in | Acrylic on canvas board
 The Sea of Grace was painted from a place of sorrow without any preconceived idea or plan as to what the painting would become. As I worked on it, one brush stroke at a time almost like weaving a tapestry, it began to feel like a place of intertwining and I saw this whirlpool and waves with no beginning or end starting to unfold in the image. I saw on my canvas a beautiful story of redemption as my mistakes and pain are and were overtaken by a far greater sea of grace. I was reminded of where Micah 7:19 says, “…You will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea,” and so I saw this image as being like an ocean of grace. I realized we cannot fathom the depths of God's love, forgiveness, and mercy and how far He has removed our sins from us. His grace is like this deep ocean that swallows each broken thing and covers and transforms it into something whole and new.